Tuesday, April 12, 2011

blog entry 11

  Writing about "The Danger Of Reality T.V" Timonthy Sexton illustrates the dangerous reinforcements that beholds on reality T.V. How it sends consumers the importance of antagonism, the value of appearance over capacity. One of the most importance statements Timonthy Sexton stated is the message T.V shows sends is that there is no point of being educated. When you can get rich in a reality show.
  First and Most important, Timonthy states reality t.v sends message to the viewer about appearance eventually there is always a winner. The contestant whose looks are far beyond the other contestant wins. This is in fact true, many people won't go on t.v to watch a less attractive reporter giving the new. But it's the reality in this world, especially on t.v. I watch American idol just because Jennifer lopez is there, otherwise I wouldn't watch it
  2nd and far important, the dangerous of education. timothy shows how the American dream is not important anymore. Students go to college for a reason to educate themselves and earn high paying jobs to live in a great society. However, with reality shows like Jersey shore, fear factor and dancing with stars there is no point of going to college when you can because rich in the least amount of time. "it makes me drop college and become rich on t.v' I see this happen all the time. Seeming others successful on t.v makes me unhappy while I'm struggling with school.
  In conclusion I suggest that our world is being consumed by T.V and it makes us less educated. Why make stupid people rich?

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