Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog 13

   During the movie Neo was given two pills to choose from. The red pill where he go to another world to explore different answers. The bull pill, where he can stay in the normal world and continue his life.
   In the movie "The Matrix" Neo picked the red pill and became a new person. i would have taken the red pill too because I want to know what's my purpose in this world. Sometimes i ask myself why am i here for. What are my short.mid and long term goals.I have a mission and with me taking the red pill, i will find my answers.
  First and most important, becoming both successful in both financially and professionally is my priority.Within the matrix i will know my obstacles. When i enter it i will be a new person. A hero like the way they saw Neo. I would probably be a CPA faster than in the real world.
  2nd and most important becoming a hero in the end. After i finish my goals i would be known by everyone. This is how i see the world of matrix Neo lived.

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