Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog Entry 14

 I believe that The Meatrix films used The Matrix as the basis for their arguments to show us what is happening to the food we eat. Where does it come from because we consumers don't really see the real world, how the animals suffer and they're badly treated. I think my meat is delicious after its cooked. Sometimes i do wonder how the animals i see are being treated or raised. They film makers wanted to express the same parts of the real movie as actual events that is happening.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog 13

   During the movie Neo was given two pills to choose from. The red pill where he go to another world to explore different answers. The bull pill, where he can stay in the normal world and continue his life.
   In the movie "The Matrix" Neo picked the red pill and became a new person. i would have taken the red pill too because I want to know what's my purpose in this world. Sometimes i ask myself why am i here for. What are my short.mid and long term goals.I have a mission and with me taking the red pill, i will find my answers.
  First and most important, becoming both successful in both financially and professionally is my priority.Within the matrix i will know my obstacles. When i enter it i will be a new person. A hero like the way they saw Neo. I would probably be a CPA faster than in the real world.
  2nd and most important becoming a hero in the end. After i finish my goals i would be known by everyone. This is how i see the world of matrix Neo lived.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog entry 12

         Looking back at my work for the 2nd Reflection and Evaluation, felt like it went by too quick.  4 weeks left and its over. I still need more time to work on my grammar and sentence structure because I can't fail the CATW again. I think a lot about my goals and short term goals that sometimes I feel like I need to write it down about everything. I missed 1 entry because of being lazy. Hopefully the last few weeks our professor can give us clues or secrets about what we should do in order to pass the CATW.  Overall if was a good experience typing things on the computer. I believe it’s better because of my hand writing.Most important, when I take this skills to another school or next level of writing I know I will be more prepare. I won’t hesitate to write and impress my English teachers with my writing skills.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

blog entry 11

  Writing about "The Danger Of Reality T.V" Timonthy Sexton illustrates the dangerous reinforcements that beholds on reality T.V. How it sends consumers the importance of antagonism, the value of appearance over capacity. One of the most importance statements Timonthy Sexton stated is the message T.V shows sends is that there is no point of being educated. When you can get rich in a reality show.
  First and Most important, Timonthy states reality t.v sends message to the viewer about appearance eventually there is always a winner. The contestant whose looks are far beyond the other contestant wins. This is in fact true, many people won't go on t.v to watch a less attractive reporter giving the new. But it's the reality in this world, especially on t.v. I watch American idol just because Jennifer lopez is there, otherwise I wouldn't watch it
  2nd and far important, the dangerous of education. timothy shows how the American dream is not important anymore. Students go to college for a reason to educate themselves and earn high paying jobs to live in a great society. However, with reality shows like Jersey shore, fear factor and dancing with stars there is no point of going to college when you can because rich in the least amount of time. "it makes me drop college and become rich on t.v' I see this happen all the time. Seeming others successful on t.v makes me unhappy while I'm struggling with school.
  In conclusion I suggest that our world is being consumed by T.V and it makes us less educated. Why make stupid people rich?

blog entry 10

 Writing about message of the film about our economy used to be  run on its own till we made mistakes, as a results the  government came and took control  of our economy. The reason i know this is because i read the wall street journal and i watch the business channel. Look at what happen to the 2007 finical crisis. We didn'tt do the right thing therefore the government needs to come in and take care of things