Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Hype" essay

      Advertising has become a part of our lives in the past wee years. We have become consumers from it , being exposed to TV commercial , before a movie start, billboards, food label, transportation , everywhere we go we encounter numerous ads.
     According to the passage "Hype" Kalle Lasn states  that advertising is an addiction that affects us everyday . As we wake up, on our way to work, school, etc  we pass though12 billion display ads that pass to our brains frequently.In addition, now everywhere we point or pass by its ought to be cover by Advertisements. Is there anywhere else we can go hide from it..."i don't think so". Lasn also states that when we fill our car with gas, there's an ad in the nozzle, drive through the road and  encounter billboards,  shop at the supermarket and see ads, this also goes to children that encounter humorous ads on TV and video games.
      First and most important, Lasn alludes to the annoyance of advertisement as a place where we can no longer run from, its already everywhere,  On T.v , supermakert, on the streets, School, video gaming, but just everywhere!. Significance as it shows, advertisment is a big part of our society. we are consumers generally who buys products that are being advertise all the time. In addition,

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