Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog entry 8

    Waking up in a perfect world, In the city that never sleeps. Living in a Condominium, Upper east side  Manhattan. Going to work and listening to the opening bell, at the New York Stock Exchange. Ending your day on a luminous night at the Radio City Music Hall, Watching The Lion King. That would be my world i would live in.
     Writing about "The Truman Show" Cristoff creates this world for Truman that he considers a "perfect world" where nothing can't go wrong. From the day Truman was born, cameras records his entire life, following his movements 24/7, 7 days a week,4 weeks a month and 365 days of the year. Truman is in a world that everything around him doesn/t exsit, thery're all actors to make this show reality. However, it was during his college life where he met this girl, both falling in love with each other. Thats where the girl confessed that his world is not real but a T.V show. The girls dad, basically just an actor told truman not to listen, that shes just upset. She was send away to shiji where truman overheard. Years went by and truman is still is looking for her, with a small chance of finding her because  his trap in this perfect world  controlled by Critoff, with no chance out. While Cristoff busy getting interviewd and making money for his shows truman finds a way to escape. Cristoff tries to stop him and gives him 2 choices. " live in the perfect world that nothing can't go wrong or in the real world that there is nothing for him". Truman decides to leave

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