Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Entry 7: Reflection and Evaluation

 Taking a good class like this, in semester with Professor Dr Smith, i am sure i can pass this CATW. Unfortunately this is my 3rd time taking this course and i am tired of writing because i don't  what part of my writing i am wrong. laziness has taken over so i been slacking in this class. I have 5 class and the reason i added this is so i can take the other 4 classes with credits. without this class i would be taking only 2 class only. So i had no choice.
 overall i like this class. hopefully i can try and write more. I believe i did in somewhat okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter:

    Below you will find my response for this blog series. This is not a grade, nor is it intended to be read as an evaluation of your performance in this class so far. The evaluation of the blog series may be found in Blackboard in the gradebook for this class and the grade is derived from a totally dofferent method as described in the syllabus. What you will see below is a response to your overall writing as of this blog series. The categories are from the CAT-W evaluation rubric (what the evaluator’s use). The comments below are intended to be both descriptive (what I see) and prescriptive (what you need to work on). I will be speaking with you personally about your current strengths and weakness during class. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like about the following in class, during office hours, or in our FB groups.

    Critical Response to Writing Task and Text: You are responding to the texts, good.

    Development of Writer’s Ideas: This is where you are going to need yo work. I see that you have the basis for argument, but you need a lot more examples, details, and support. We will work on this.

    Structure of the Response: We will be working more on essay structure.

    Sentences, Word Choice, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics: OK, some minor issues, but we can work on these later. Start by using capital "I". :)
