Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog entry 8

    Waking up in a perfect world, In the city that never sleeps. Living in a Condominium, Upper east side  Manhattan. Going to work and listening to the opening bell, at the New York Stock Exchange. Ending your day on a luminous night at the Radio City Music Hall, Watching The Lion King. That would be my world i would live in.
     Writing about "The Truman Show" Cristoff creates this world for Truman that he considers a "perfect world" where nothing can't go wrong. From the day Truman was born, cameras records his entire life, following his movements 24/7, 7 days a week,4 weeks a month and 365 days of the year. Truman is in a world that everything around him doesn/t exsit, thery're all actors to make this show reality. However, it was during his college life where he met this girl, both falling in love with each other. Thats where the girl confessed that his world is not real but a T.V show. The girls dad, basically just an actor told truman not to listen, that shes just upset. She was send away to shiji where truman overheard. Years went by and truman is still is looking for her, with a small chance of finding her because  his trap in this perfect world  controlled by Critoff, with no chance out. While Cristoff busy getting interviewd and making money for his shows truman finds a way to escape. Cristoff tries to stop him and gives him 2 choices. " live in the perfect world that nothing can't go wrong or in the real world that there is nothing for him". Truman decides to leave

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Entry 7: Reflection and Evaluation

 Taking a good class like this, in semester with Professor Dr Smith, i am sure i can pass this CATW. Unfortunately this is my 3rd time taking this course and i am tired of writing because i don't  what part of my writing i am wrong. laziness has taken over so i been slacking in this class. I have 5 class and the reason i added this is so i can take the other 4 classes with credits. without this class i would be taking only 2 class only. So i had no choice.
 overall i like this class. hopefully i can try and write more. I believe i did in somewhat okay.

Blog Entry 6

    After reading "Allegory of the Cave" again and again i had similar events i experience through. Socrates talks about an underground cave where prisoners all they saw is a wall right in front of them. Appearing from the wall shadows would pop out swarming,, but they did not know that what really created them was a huge fire behind them , reflecting them as a form of shadows.
     Comparing my life with Socrates's Allegory of the cave , when i young, i believed in Santa Claus. Every winter i would grow with happiness because it  was the time of the year  i would get what i wished for. As you grow older you are tempted to ask for more value things; As a result , it wasn't a really good year for me even tho i got cloths instead of what i asked for Christmas. Similar to the Allegory of the cave i was just focus on what i was getting like the prisoners, looking right in front of the wall their whole lives. The year after had the same problem. I asked myself why am i getting less and less. I was still young and eligible for Christmas presents. Unfortunately Things never changed. However we didn't came from a rich family so i knew things wouldn't be as happy i as expected. In school they asked me if I believed in Santa, i replied back " of course " . I was inform that Santa Claus wasn't real. I slowly understood the problem why i didn't get what i asked for.
      Furthermore,  I comprehended that all the toys i asked for were really expensive and it made me realize that having another brother and my parents work hard, it wouldn't be easy. In despite of, The Allegory of the Cave the prisoners acted the same way because out of all the prisoners only one understood the situation and came to help them. 
   In conclusion i realize that it was a great thing because i believed and understood what was happening.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Entry 5

 Reading about  "Allegory of the Cave" the passage states that Socrates talks about an underground cave where prisoners all they see is a wall . They're all chained that what they see in front of them is a wall.  On the wall shadows appear as soul to take them away . The prisoners are scare of the shadow that beholds them but in reality they don't know that the fire behind them is what creates the shadow.  However, a prisoner escapes and sees the cause of the shadow and leaves the cave to see what reality holds him outside. In return to free the other prisoners to tell them the truth he ends up having a bad ending.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Entry 4: Hype Workshop".

     Advertising has become a part of our lives in the past wee years. We have become consumers from it , being exposed to TV commercial , before a movie start, billboards, food label, transportation , everywhere we go we encounter numerous ads.
     According to the passage "Hype" Kalle Lasn states  that advertising is an addiction that affects us everyday . As we wake up, on our way to work, school, etc  we pass though12 billion display ads that pass to our brains frequently.In addition, now everywhere we point or pass by its ought to be cover by Advertisements. Is there anywhere else we can go hide from it..."i don't think so". Lasn also states that when we fill our car with gas, there's an ad in the nozzle, drive through the road and  encounter billboards,  shop at the supermarket and see ads, this also goes to children that encounter humorous ads on TV and video games.
      First and most important, Lasn alludes to the annoyance of advertisement as a place where we can no longer run from, its already everywhere,  On T.v , supermakert, on the streets, School, video gaming, but just everywhere!. Statistics shows, advertisment is a big part of our society. we are consumers generally who buys products that are being advertise all the time. In addition,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

summarizeing "hype"

     Writing about "Hype" by Kalle Lasn, He states  that advertising is an addiction that affects us everyday . As we wake up, on our way to work, school, etc  we pass through 12 billion display ads that pass to our brains frequently.In addition, now everywhere we point or pass by its ought to be cover by Advertisements. Is there anywhere else we can go hide from it..."i don't think so". Lasn also states, when we fill our car with gas, there's an ad in the nozzle, drive through the road and  encounter billboards,  shop at the supermarket and see ads, this also goes to children that encounter humorous ads on TV and video games.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is google making us stupied

 by annotating a passage  it would break up the passage  to make easier to understand
I found it was much easier to comprehend by annotating through a passage
i learn how to annotate a passage 
we read it over and over again till we understand the passage

"Hype" essay

      Advertising has become a part of our lives in the past wee years. We have become consumers from it , being exposed to TV commercial , before a movie start, billboards, food label, transportation , everywhere we go we encounter numerous ads.
     According to the passage "Hype" Kalle Lasn states  that advertising is an addiction that affects us everyday . As we wake up, on our way to work, school, etc  we pass though12 billion display ads that pass to our brains frequently.In addition, now everywhere we point or pass by its ought to be cover by Advertisements. Is there anywhere else we can go hide from it..."i don't think so". Lasn also states that when we fill our car with gas, there's an ad in the nozzle, drive through the road and  encounter billboards,  shop at the supermarket and see ads, this also goes to children that encounter humorous ads on TV and video games.
      First and most important, Lasn alludes to the annoyance of advertisement as a place where we can no longer run from, its already everywhere,  On T.v , supermakert, on the streets, School, video gaming, but just everywhere!. Significance as it shows, advertisment is a big part of our society. we are consumers generally who buys products that are being advertise all the time. In addition,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What I expect to get out of this class?hmmmm

Writing about my expectation can usually confuse me. passing the CATW test is my first priority to go ahead and take eng101 and 102 which i expect to acquire the knowledge in class this semester.